Maria Prozinski

I recently joined the Friends School team as the Development and Community Engagement Director. My interview process with Friends School staff and board members was amazing. The belief in the school mission and children was very evident. I knew that I would be happy and excited If I was selected for the position and I […]

Lindsey Hilliard

Whoever said that the “3rd times the charm” was wrong – it is clearly the 4th time!! I am so excited to come back to Friends School all over again! While teaching, my passion has always been connecting with kids’ hearts first and foremost. Whether I am teaching in a classroom, teaching PE, working with […]

Leigh Houser

When I enrolled at Purdue University, I was one of the few undergrads who walked through the doors steadfast in knowing what degree I would graduate with – education.  I am a fourth generation educator, so the choice seemed like a no-brainer.  When I graduated in 2004, I bopped around the country and between public and private schools, […]

Jessie Vanden Hogen

I have been living in Colorado since 1991. After graduating from the University of Colorado Boulder in 1995, I began teaching preschool. I started teaching at Friends School in 1999. I was lucky enough to participate in our Teacher Preparation Program and received my teaching license and my Master of Arts degree in Educational Psychology […]

Jana Bledsoe

I had the privilege of joining the Friends School community in 1998 as the Program Coordinator and continued in that capacity until 2005 at which time I moved to Denver for my daughter to attend the Denver School of the Arts.  I am thrilled to be back at Friends working closely with our admin team. Prior […]

Gracie Gravely

I am so excited to be teaching STEM at Friends elementary and middle school! My favorite thing about STEM has to be developing creative approaches to problem solving and gaining those ever-useful critical thinking skills that help us to navigate understanding and interpreting the world around us. I was born and raised in the Bay Area of Northern California, […]

Farren Wyner

Nurturing the unique gifts of every child and designing lessons that are enjoyable, accessible, and engaging light me up! My 16+ years of elementary teaching experience in California and Colorado exposed me to a variety of school and classroom experiences, though I genuinely believe they have all led me to Friends School, and I am thrilled to be a part of this school community. Friends School’s […]

Erika Norman

My journey to Friends has been a decade-long one during which I taught 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade, as well as gifted and talented students K-5. During this time I learned a great deal from many gifted colleagues and many wonderful students. Together we struggled, laughed, and learned about ourselves and learning. I am a […]

Erik Keithley

I’m from Maryland and attended Elon University in North Carolina where I received a B.A. in Journalism and Film. I worked for several years as a Communications Manager for Trinity Episcopal School in Austin, Texas, where I loved getting to visit classrooms on a daily basis and document the amazing stories of learning taking place. […]

Challenging minds. Nurturing spirits. Honoring individuality.