
Chelsea Bruder

I completed the Friends Teacher Prep Program during the 2018-2019 school year and was a TC in 3rd grade at Friends. I fell in love with Friends School immediately, and I knew that I wanted to stay a part of this community. Last year I was the Teacher Assistant in 4th grade at Friends, which allowed me to strengthen my instruction practices and work on my master’s degree. In August I graduated with a Masters in Learning, Developmental and Family Sciences with an emphasis in Human Learning & Development through the University of Colorado Denver. The Friends TPP and my master’s program have provided me with the best practices to be a supportive, compassionate, empathetic, and enthusing teacher that truly cares about relationships and seeing every child for who they are. I am beyond excited and grateful to be the Lead Teacher of 2nd grade this year and help my students grow, learn, and play! Our emphasis on social-emotional learning is very important to me, and I hope my students develop into caring, creative, kind kids who become life-long learners.

Personal information about myself: I am a Colorado Native who enjoys outdoor activities like hiking, skiing, and camping (of course). I love art and I paint, sketch, and color. I’m also a huge music lover and I go to many concerts. Finally, I love to travel and be exposed to new cultures, new people, and new types of food!

Challenging minds. Nurturing spirits. Honoring individuality.