Compassion during trying times

Compassion during trying times by Honor Taft, Head of School The violent events at the nation’s capitol on Wednesday evening were a shock to all of us. At Friends School we teach our students the importance of being good community members. Our students learn to think critically, to see things from another’s perspective, and to […]

Navigating Trauma with Resilience

Navigating Trauma with Resilience by Friends School mom and local trauma therapist, Lauren Hassan, LCSW Many thanks to Friends School mom and trauma therapist, Lauren Hassan, LCSW, who met with our staff last week to provide tools and resources to navigate these challenging times. Lauren shares her experience as this week’s guest blogger. I recently […]

Friends Preschool adds Full-Day Option

Since 1987, Friends Preschool has offered a warm, loving, and play-based approach to early childhood education for hundreds of Boulder children. We’re excited to announce a new addition to our program for next year.

Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks by Lucy Goldstein, Pre-K Parent at Friends School Last week as a Pre-K west volunteer parent, I wrote a note of appreciation to the teachers for the month of September. To my surprise, they asked if I would share my thoughts with all of you. It was a note to say thank you, […]

Making the world better

Making the world better by Honor Taft, Head of School Last week as we closed our fifth week of school, and Rosh Hashanah began, the news about supreme court justice Ruth Bader Ginserburg flooded my screen world, as I imagine it did yours. This felt like another blow in this surreal and ublievelable reality that […]

Welcome Back to School

Today marks the first Friday of in-person learning for our students in Kindergarten through eighth grade (our preschool division begins Monday). Getting school up and running is an event in any year, but 2020 has been a whole new experience.

Passageworks Hike

School may be out for summer, but warm memories of the 5th grade passagework hike still fill our hearts. And while “what happens on the hike, stays on the hike”, one graduating parent gives us an inside glimpse into this very special ritual.

We stand against racism

We stand against racism Statement to the community by Honor Taft, Head of School and Jenefer Donovan, Friends Community Board Chair June 2, 2020 Dear Friends School Community, There is a problem in America affecting all of us. At Friends School we stand unequivocally against racism and believe we can and must be part of […]

Celebrating the 19th Amendment

This year marks the 100th anniversary of women earning the constitutional right to vote. Four of our 6th grade students accepted the challenge set forth by their Humanities teacher, Diane Bramble, to research and present the Nineteenth Amendment to their classmates.

FlagGirl Productions

We love hearing stories about the ways our students are spending their time away from the remote classroom. This week, guest blogger and Friends School mom Chelsea Flagg, describes some of the amazing performances her three daughters have been putting on the last couple months from home. We’re excited to attend one of their Sunday afternoon plays.

Challenging minds. Nurturing spirits. Honoring individuality.