by Honor Taft, Head of School
Dear Friends School Community,
Today marks the first Friday of in-person learning for our students in Kindergarten through eighth grade (our preschool division begins Monday). Getting school up and running is an event in any year, but 2020 has been a whole new experience. We are deeply grateful to the Friends School community for the many hours of hard work, the innovative and problem-solving mindsets, and the continuous flexibility, patience and support. To our families, we would like to express our gratitude for your graciousness, your cheers of support and your trust in us.
We are excited to see all those who are returning to Friends School, and we are thrilled to welcome all of our new members to our community. As the year progresses, we will reach out to connect with you, help you become acquainted with all that is unique and special about our community, learn about your family, and support you in building what we hope will become lifelong friendships for your children and for yourselves. Returning families, please join us in welcoming all the new students and families to our community.
One way to understand the values and priorities of our school is through our Strategic Framework, which was approved by our Community Board in May, 2020. In it you will find the community-identified areas for continued growth that will guide our team this year and beyond, as well as our portrait of a graduate.
While successfully completing this first week is cause for celebration, it is also important for us to remember that the journey continues as we actively learn from each experience in these new systems and work to adjust and tweak as we go along. We encourage you to continue to reference our reopening framework. It has been updated with new guidelines from CDPHE.
As we navigate the 2020-2021 school year, we will continue to approach all that we do with caring, creative and innovative mindsets. All of our decisions are guided by what is best for children, with connection, health and well-being (physical, mental, social), and learning in balance.
In partnership and community,

Honor Taft
Head of School