Interview with Friends parent Mindy Mullins by Lou Bendrick
We love our volunteers. This month’s volunteer is a busy Friends School mom of three kids, former trustee, veterinarian and parent council leader who pitches in whenever she sees a job that needs to be done. We’re in awe of her energy level and thankful for the time she dedicates to Friends School. Meet Mindy Mullins.
Volunteer activities at Friends:
Various committees, Room parent, Former Trustee, Parent council, ice cream hauler, pumpkin hauler…just whatever anyone needs!
Bluff City, TN (go VOLS)

and 3 daughters
I live in Boulder with my three amazing daughters, a great husband, two crazy dogs and a pretty cool turtle
Education/current or previous employment:
ER veterinarian. My husband and I have an emergency and critical care veterinary hospital in NY and we are currently under contract on a day practice locally.
Hobbies, passions & talents: drawing, running, hiking, skiing, anything on the gulf or in the mountains! Talents?? It’s for sure not cooking! Keeping up with three kids..that’s a talent, right?
Q: How did you find Friends School and why did you choose it for your children?
A: My good friend Amy Scheff told me about it when Moon was three. We came in Pre-K and have been here ever since. I chose Friends because I knew my kiddos would be surround by love every day.

Q: What motivates you to volunteer? In what ways do you volunteer for Friends School?
A: I volunteer any way I can. I’ve done a little bit of everything from room parent to co-chair of parent council to being on the board and various other committees. What motivates me is easy… my three hearts that beat outside my chest! My kids.
Q. What books are you reading right now? Or if you could have one super power what would it be?
A: My husband just bought me The Ride of a Lifetime. Super power….to be able to fly over the ocean and play with the marine life. So I guess I want to be a pelican. LOL.

Q. If we were to open your fridge, what would we find?
All plant based, almond milk, fruits, spinach, chai.
Q. How do you recharge?
Walking or running OR if I am by the gulf then just looking at the movement of the water. I could stare at it all day. I’m not very good at sitting still so anything with movement.