The importance of Teacher Preparation for our future

by Betsy Gonzalez Blohm, Director of Friends School Teacher Preparation Program

At a moment in history where some states are banning books and citizens have a difficult time discerning credible sources from propaganda, preparing teachers has taken on new layers of complexity and importance. Friends School, a preschool – 8th grade independent school in Boulder, Colorado houses an alternative teacher licensure program that I direct – The Friends School Teacher Preparation Program. It is uncommon for independent schools to invest in the next generation of teachers in this way. Friends School does this because the school knows that transformative, passionate educators are the most important factor in providing an excellent education which, in turn, supports a thriving democracy. 

The vision of Friends School is to make the world better by challenging minds, nurturing spirits and honoring individuality. Teacher candidates who enroll in the Friends School Teacher Preparation Program bring those values. They speak of their desire to foster curiosity, critical thinking, and social emotional capacity in children while advancing educational equity. Every candidate is passionate about ensuring that each child in their classroom feels seen and honored for who they are as a unique individual. They also, however, express worry and anxiety. They worry about receiving threats from extreme community members or losing their jobs if they take a stand for equity and basic human rights, not politics, in their classroom. Scholar Dr. Christopher Emdin said, “Education is not memorization. It is the activation of the imagination and a path towards freedom.” It is precisely because there are so many attempts currently to suppress diversity and inclusion initiatives, distract from critical thinking, and censor books, that teacher preparation programs must rise to the challenge. Teacher licensure programs must prepare teachers not only in excellent pedagogy, but also in how to teach the skills of democratic citizenship: critical thinking, perspective taking, analysis of credible sources, debate, and how to passionately disagree without dehumanizing any individual. Teachers need to feel supported by a community of peers and leaders who educate as a path towards freedom and equity for all students.

Designed in alignment with Friends School’s model of progressive education, our teacher preparation program emphasizes teaching critical thinking over teaching to the test and centers reflection and perspective-taking for future educators and students. We discuss how to create brave spaces in developmentally appropriate ways so that students learn how to debate, stand up for justice, and have compassion for their peers. The alternative licensure program is a one year program during which teacher candidates work in PK-6 classrooms during the week and learn about curriculum and pedagogy every other Saturday online. Given the rigorous nature of this licensure pathway, candidates are working extremely hard and yet they arrive to Saturday seminars full of questions, a desire to grow, and deep care for their students. They ask questions about how to integrate diversity and inclusion in the curriculum, harness multilingualism as an asset, or use mindfulness to support students who have experienced trauma. The teacher candidates in the Friends School program care deeply about each individual student as well as creating inclusive communities for all. This is what gives me hope for our young people’s future and our country’s future. 

Teacher Candidates in Friends Teacher Preparation Program