Making the world better

by Honor Taft, Head of School

Last week as we closed our fifth week of school, and Rosh Hashanah began, the news about supreme court justice Ruth Bader Ginserburg flooded my screen world, as I imagine it did yours. This felt like another blow in this surreal and ublievelable reality that is 2020. And, as I find myself thinking about the strength and resolve of this incredible woman, I am inspired and feel called to action. 

RBG took steps every day to make the world a better place. She did not retreat when the fight became hard or the work seemed too much… though I am certain there were moments in her life when she considered it. RBG believed in the beauty of humanity and the possibility of a more just and kind world – a belief that I believe we share.

RBG’s legacy makes me think about what we are doing at Friends School each and every day. More than ever, our approach and philosophy of education, built upon the work of the great minds of progressive education, is especially essential. Drawing upon the work of John Dewey, we endeavor to teach students how to think over what to think. We do this by engaging students in work that is both meaningful and impactful. Through this, our students learn that they have agency, that what they do, can and does make a difference. 

Many things are difficult right now, and so much is unknown on a daily basis. The challenges seem unrelenting at times, and we can easily spend all of our time solving for the next few moments, hours, or day. Even within this, though, Friends School knows our call to action. We meaningfully provide for the children in our care, helping them find their passions and their voices, encouraging kindness and empathy in a world that needs it now more than ever. 

Friends School, and each of you makes a difference in the daily lives of children and in so doing we are making a positive difference in our world. This is an incredible bright spot and cause for celebration.

Friends School: Making the world better by challenging minds, nurturing spirits and honoring individuality.

Challenging minds. Nurturing spirits. Honoring individuality.

All after school programs and activities are cancelled 11/8 due to weather