FlagGirl Productions

by Chelsea Flagg

We love hearing stories about the ways our students are spending their time away from the remote classroom. This week, guest blogger and Friends School mom, Chelsea Flagg, describes some of the amazing performances her three daughters have been putting on the last couple months from home. We’re excited to attend one of their Sunday afternoon plays. Here’s Chelsea…

Three new stars are on the rise! If you haven’t heard of actresses Quincy, Olive, and Pearl Flagg yet, just wait. Their names are destined to be in the bright lights of Broadway soon enough. 

Starting the first week of the Colorado stay-at-home order, the three sisters were eager for activities to keep them busy and creative. In a flash of inspiration, they landed on a brilliant idea and decided to sharpen their already-budding thespian skills. 

“We’ve done lots of plays together before,” oldest sister, Quincy, says. “We thought doing them this way would be a great way to stay busy, and bring some fun to other people, too.”

Youngest sister, Pearl, has a definite favorite part from all of this. “It’s a good way to get more time with my sisters,” she says with a smile. 

Each week, the Flagg girls choose a well-known musical to focus in on, come up with everything from elaborate costumes to seamless scripts to impressive set designs created entirely on their own. In most cases, each actress is tasked to play more than one character, which involves the complicated skill of changing outfits and personas more than once during any given performance. 

Every Sunday at 1:30pm, the girls perform their polished play on their homemade stage in front of a live Zoom audience filled with awed family and friends. They act, sing, and dance like true pros. 

“It’s been thrilling to do these online shows and get so many guests watching us live!” middle sister, Olive, says. 

So far, the sisters have successfully adapted Anastasia, Wicked, The Greatest Showman, Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, and Annie

We can only guess what shows are next in store for these fresh thespians. And what their futures hold. No doubt, it will include big things and likely big stages. So, if you want to catch these stars while they’re still at the beginning of their rise, “Zoom” in for one of their productions! Email me for your ticket (Zoom link) to next Sunday’s performance at chelseaflagg@gmail.com.

Challenging minds. Nurturing spirits. Honoring individuality.

All after school programs and activities are cancelled 11/8 due to weather