Education is a Gift That Lasts A Lifetime

by Honor Taft, Head of School

This is the time of year when we parents pause for a moment and think about the education that we are providing for our children. An independent school education is accompanied by a price tag that demands this reflection. I was raised by parents who prioritized education, and I am deeply grateful for this. They believed that education is one of the most powerful and enduring gifts they could provide for my siblings and me and I have carried this forward for my children and in my life’s work

Education can and should be more than a path to academic achievement; it is the foundation upon which young minds develop curiosity, resilience, empathy, and lifelong curiosity. When we invest in education, we are empowering children to unlock their full potential and equipping them to navigate an ever-changing, complex world with confidence and purpose.

The ripple effects of a strong education extend far beyond the individual. By providing children with opportunities to learn, explore, and grow, we nurture thoughtful human beings and compassionate leaders who will positively impact their communities and the world. At Friends School, School, we prioritize whole-child education and foster qualities that are the building blocks of a just, innovative, and collaborative society.

Beyond the individual, an investment in education is an investment in a brighter collective future. The challenges our world faces—environmental, social, political—require creative problem-solvers and compassionate citizens. By supporting education, we are actively preparing the next generation to tackle these issues with the tools and values they need to create meaningful change.

At Friends School, the power of this investment is amplified by small class sizes, dedicated faculty, and mission-driven programs curated to meet the needs of each student. We provide environments where children are known, valued, and inspired to achieve, both academically and personally. The impact of this personalized, holistic approach to education cannot be overstated—it fosters a love of learning, self-confidence, and a sense of purpose that will carry students forward throughout their lives.

Over winter break I had the opportunity to go to my sister’s wedding in Miami – the first time all five siblings and two parents were in one place in two years. If you were to meet my siblings, you would notice that we are very different from one another – except, perhaps, for a noticeable kind of humor that we all share. In addition, you would learn that we share in common a deep appreciation for our parents’ investment in our education.Their commitment to our learning shaped not only our individual paths, but also the way we engage in the world.


As we consider the educational choices that we make for our children, we are reminded that the greatest gifts we can give them are curiosity, opportunity and the confidence to make a difference. At Friends, that is our hope and our goal for all of our students.

Kindergarteners discovering the science of movement at Bounce Empire

Challenging minds. Nurturing spirits. Honoring individuality.

All after school programs and activities are cancelled 11/8 due to weather