Ivan Johnson

I chose Friends School because it aligns with my values as a person and educator; putting the heart and mind first. I am so excited to be a part of a learning community which promotes connection and has students work through topics and questions that are relevant, leading to a Friends School graduate who sees […]

Meg Hansen

My journey at Friends School began many years ago when looking for a preschool for my oldest son. From the minute I stepped in the door, I was sold. My preschooler and his brother are now grown men and yet my work and love for this school has continued to grow every year since. I’ve […]

Honor Taft

I am excited to begin my third year as Head of School at Friends. While the spring of our 2019-2020 school year was different than any I could have imagined, I count my lucky stars every day that this is the school community I get to navigate the COVID-19 landscape with. This is an outstanding […]

Challenging minds. Nurturing spirits. Honoring individuality.