Kindergarten Explores the Science of Movement at Bounce Empire

Last week, our Kindergarteners took a field trip to Bounce Empire, not only for a day of fun, but also for an exciting, hands-on learning experience. The goal of the trip? To explore how different types of movement impact their bodies and minds, and to better understand how they can prepare themselves for learning in the classroom.

The Importance of Teacher Preparation for our Future

At a moment in history where some states are banning books and citizens have a difficult time discerning credible sources from propaganda, preparing teachers has taken on new layers of complexity and importance. Friends School, a preschool – 8th grade independent school in Boulder, Colorado houses an alternative teacher licensure program

Celebrating deana harragarra waters

deana has been Friends School’s librarian for 24 years. deana says that her desire to be a children’s librarian was influenced by her Kiowa grandfather who was sent to boarding school where he learned to love books and reading. She has also worked as a medical librarian at Children’s Hospital and as a law librarian for a nonprofit legal organization.

Symbolic Mural

A beautiful, symbolic mural now graces the east side of our elementary school building, receiving praise from our internal community and those who pass by on 55th Street each day. Not only is it a stunning piece of public art to be enjoyed by all, it’s filled with symbolism from the birth of our school in 1987 to now.

Visiting Artists Share Their Inspiration

Last week was full of extraordinary opportunities for Friends School’s young artists, with three visiting artists and organizations coming in to share their work and processes with us.

Meet the Staff: Steve Fragleasso

Meet the Staff: Steve Fragleasso K-8 PE Teacher, Steve Fragleasso (pr: frag-lee-AH-so) joined the Friends School team in January this year, bringing the joy of outdoor education to our students. Learn a little bit more about him in this brief interview. Where are you from and where do you live now?  I was born and […]

FlagGirl Productions

We love hearing stories about the ways our students are spending their time away from the remote classroom. This week, guest blogger and Friends School mom Chelsea Flagg, describes some of the amazing performances her three daughters have been putting on the last couple months from home. We’re excited to attend one of their Sunday afternoon plays.

Haiku and Petal Practice

Springtime means flowers, but what is “Petal Practice” and how can we use it to soothe ourselves during our time apart? Third grade teacher, Krysten Fort-Catanese shares this practice as well as the art of Haiku as part of third grade social and emotional literacy.

Challenging minds. Nurturing spirits. Honoring individuality.

All after school programs and activities are cancelled 11/8 due to weather