Symbolic Mural

A beautiful, symbolic mural now graces the east side of our elementary school building, receiving praise from our internal community and those who pass by on 55th Street each day. Not only is it a stunning piece of public art to be enjoyed by all, it’s filled with symbolism from the birth of our school in 1987 to now.
Visiting Artists Share Their Inspiration

Last week was full of extraordinary opportunities for Friends School’s young artists, with three visiting artists and organizations coming in to share their work and processes with us.
Still Learning Together While Apart
Now more than ever, our teachers are collaborating and making connections for kids so that this time of remote learning continues to be project based with lots of creativity, challenge and discussion. See what first graders created when math teacher Erika Norman combined geometry with art.
Lunar New year
Growing up in the Bay Area, Friends art teacher Bryn Pennington was exposed to a rich tapestry of cultural traditions. She felt humbled to experience the traditions of her closest friends, and today shares them with her students in Art Studio.
Celebrating Day of the Dead
Halloween and Day of the Dead are not the same thing. Friends Spanish Teacher, Maria Gamboa, loves sharing this important tradition of her native Mexico with her students and integrating it with beautiful art projects.
Peace Angels Among Us
By Bryn Pennington, Friends School Art Teacher Our middle school students love creating art. I love helping them develop their creative expression. When I can weave a larger world mission into an art studio project, it’s a plus for everyone. This week, our 6th graders had the chance to do both. On March 18, the […]
Wing Art Project
Art is everywhere at Friends School! These beautiful wings are a collaborative project by Kindergarten through 3rd grade (in the coming months, look for permanent wings on the playground). Meanwhile, 4th grade is “tagging” the playground with positive messages using chalk spray paint and homemade stencils. Look on the 5th grade windows to see their […]